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четверг, 30 августа 2012 г.

Sounds of Apocalypses of the 21st century. Third Part. The theory of a big bang catastrophe.

Is registration of weird sounds in USA and Europe a chance or a consistent pattern? A hypothesis of fortuitousness could be quiet reasonable. Civilized countries are full of new technologies. People there are ready to film any unexplained event. They have seen enough movies to find their own explanation, sometimes self-made logical.  
But if to look at weird sounds from the side of possible regularity; to look forward the theoretical explanations of a scientific world; it is possible to mark that in all theories which were not tested or examined, there is a drop of truth that could save millions of lives. 

The Earth’s longest mountain range is underwater of Atlantic Ocean between the continents of South and North America and Europe, Africa. Today this mountain range is one of the dynamic points of core’s radioactive heat is released. More than 12,000 feet high and 1,200 miles wide winding through 40,000 miles of the world’s oceans, this zone is an active volcano, which erupts lava of core’s radioactive decay between two plates, to fill the crack continuously created by plate separation. Such an active process can not be unheeded as well as can affect the ground instability in the nearest regions.   

This map is from 2008, the map of movement of lithospheric plates. It is not difficult to see that the movement is more activated in USA and Europe. Knowing about the biggest mountain range and the release of energy annually, it is easy to parallel the foresaid information. If would happen an enormous release of core’s radioactive heat what areas could be save?
If to fold crazy wild guesses about possible tests of new weapons, falling down meteorites or an invention of green aliens, today the most logical End of the World might be activated a highly powerful activity of Earth’s core. Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruption, floods near by ocean where the biggest mountain range is lying. And these all might be not a full list of consequences.  

The next map is the map of tornado 2011 in USA. According to Wikipedia information the most active tornadoes territories are those which nearby Atlantic Ocean and central states of USA. Active zone number 2 is Europe. And active tornadoes zone number 3 is Russia, Australiaand Argentina. The map of weird sounds shows us the same zones? And sometimes even the same cities.  

According to map of Climate Changes, which was published 18th of June 2006 , till 2025 year the majority of population on the globe will have a tendency to live nearby the cost linesMap created by the Center for Climate Systems Research shows increasing populations in coastal areas, which will expose 2.75 billion people worldwide to the effects of sea level rise and other coastal threats posed by global warming.   

The Map of the Center of Climate Systems Research has many common points with the maps of movement of lithospheric plates, of tornado 2011 inUSA, of Climate Changes and weird sounds.

There is also one common idea among all of them – there are unsafe places with a huge ratio of possible natural disasters and all of them are available on the maps.   

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